Friday, July 25, 2014

Jeff Rense / Gary King

Jim discusses the Sandy Hook Super Hoax on the popular Jeff Rense Show/ The New JFK Show #19 features Larry Rivera bringing to light the great early researcher Beverly Bronson whom observed Zfilm alteration and photo tampering as early as 1967 and was in touch with the Dean of all researchers Harold Weisberg, sit back and discover this most unsung hero who had it all figured out way back then.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great show and expo, James--and, most of all, I'm gratified to have learned about ur Vet's Today articles, "...Game, Set, Match," and the most recent one of 28 July, "Sandy Hook, Stephen Sedensky,...."

    I'm disgusted that Alex Jones hasn't gotten u on his show or at least featured ur work for his news stories--just ANOTHER disappointment regarding Alex. Thanks again for all ur efforts.

  3. Alex Jones: The well known Jew and Zionist paid shill and idol of the Jew and Zionist paid shill apsterian who
    calls him "Alex". How these Jew and Zionist paid shills love each other!!
    What further proof, if proof were
    needed, is there that apsterian is also a Jew and Zionist paid shill who loves his Jew and Zionist paid shill buddy, Alex? But who in their right mind would pay the Jew and Zionist paid shill apsterian in anything other than faucet washers or M&M's?
    Okay, okay, so I lied. Maybe M&M's
    are too much.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Once again I must thank "Total" , the moderator here, for his/her commitment to allowing open debate.

    This blog is one of the few places on the internet where obvious straight up hate speech is consistently tolerated, it would seem.

    Although I'm not particularly a fan of this hate speech per se, I think it is important that the "jew haters" etc. get to express their opinions here, if for no other reason that those expressed opinions illustrate, very dramatically, the type of "thinkers" that Fetzer, Fox and Greenhalgh and Co. have deliberately aligned themselves with of late. :-)

    So keep it up "Total" , and mucho congrats./thanks.

    Regards, onebornfree.

    1. A truly pathetic attempt to slur good people by association with anonymous nutcases.

    2. Ian: are Jews followers of Talmud, yes or no? Is Talmud a manual of war against gentiles, yes or no? How can there be a "good" Talmudist or psychopath?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Well Ian: why then did u do just that--wasting ur idiot time--when u replied? Don't u think one SHOULD "hate" psychopathic mass-murderers and their sympathizers, like Jews?--isn't this merely consistent w. Christian truth and virtue? Try not to waste too much of ur time, ho ho ho

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. stevie t said : "Your site has been infiltrated by douchebags. You should delete these scumbags even though they have the right to free speech.."

    Actually, they do not have the "right" to free speech here - nor do you, nor do I, neither does anyone else.

    This is a private forum, and speech can be allowed /disallowed as the moderator [not the government], sees fit.

    As it is, the moderator here has allowed a level playing field- however that could change at any time [ but I , for one, hope not].

    Regards, onebornfree

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. With all due respect, Joan,YOU started this when you called Ian Greenhalgh a Jew. Whether Ian is Jewish or not is nobody's business but his own. So before you get up on your high horse, Joan, just remember YOU started this. YOU gave the green light to
      trash like apsterian to come in here with his insane mindless shit. Rather than thanking whoever for speaking up, Joan,
      you should apologize to Ian and the forum and then just shut up and go away.

  9. All I have to say is , I love Gary King!
    I can not wait to hear all of these shows you've put together matched up with the video record! The most awesome assembly of info since 'the men who killed kenedy'. The ultimate box set!!! The audio alone is fucking priceless. Ed Haslom and Judith baker are going to make fantastic additions!

    1. Let us know where I can hear them all back to back! I have to share them as a set!!

  10. I think allowing the comments section to be filled with a lot of amateurish trash is an insult to the guest speakers as well as posters who would like to debate and comment on the issues.

    When repetitious, mean-spirited, off-topic posts monopolize the boards and go unchallenged by the monitor, the only response by the rest of us is to wait out and ignore the crazies.

    Thanks to you who spoke up. It's refreshing to know you are still out there.

  11. John Carter said :"With all due respect, Joan,YOU started this..."

    Bullshit. Greenhorn started calling Joan names at this blog site many threads ago- as anyone who regularly reads them is well aware.


  12. John Carter, show me the post.... You can't because it doesn't exist.

    Very clear what is going on here....

    Fetzer, Greenhalgh, and Fox lost all the debates and decided to pull the plug on this forum... The final straw was losing Joan Edwards, a long time fan of Fetzer. Better to drive people away then allow visitors witness losing debates...

    [waits for fake entity to reply to my post]

  13. Onebornfree:-

    "That's all you got Johnny [come lately] Boy?"

    Thanks for the reply!

    What took you so long, slowpoke?!

    With all due respect!!

  14. Joan Edwards APPLAUDS the Nazi

    Joan Edwards
    July 25, 2014 at 1:03 PM

    apsterian said:
    "But Chris Bollyn gives outstanding evidence for Jews (which he always calls "Zionists") being present and responsible for planning, principle operations, cover-up for investigations and litigation, and then the dis-info campaign still on-going."

    Joan Edwards replies:

    "First, applause for organizing your case. 9/11 was a crime and it must be adjudicated in a court of law, not by philosophers and critical thinking "scholars", but by lawyers.................."

    1. " First, applause for organizing your case.."

      "Case"? What "case" was that, Joan? Why do you demean yourself by making such a cretinous comment to the crackpot, crank and headcase
      apsterian? That's the Nazi crackpot, crank and headcase apsterian.

  15. See above note, kike, ho ho hoh ho

  16. apsterian said:
    "But Chris Bollyn gives outstanding evidence for Jews (which he always calls "Zionists") being present and responsible for planning, principle operations, cover-up for investigations and litigation, and then the dis-info campaign still on-going."

    Really? So where is this "outstanding evidence"? We'd all like to know.

    1. Joan,

      "Let's give it up for the
      Nazi apsterian!!"


  17. "Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which people walk over without knowing it."

    See above note.



  18. Jews: Too Clever By Half, Ho Ho Ho

    That's it, kike--play stupid, right?

    (a) Chertoff dual citizen kike was in charge of investigation; he let the Jew MOSSAD agents go back to Israel, and saw to destruction of rubble evidence.

    (b) Who was in charge of security--both at WTC and airports?--Jews, "Kroll" and "Huntleigh" security.

    (c) Who sabotaged the computers for ATC and FAA, the MOSSAD front co., Ptech.

    (d) How did the MOSSAD agents know there'd be hits on WTC towers, their cameras set-up before-hand? And when these little kike shits went back to Israel (set free by Jew Chertoff) they admitted they were there to "document the event."

    (e) And who was in charge of the litigation for lawsuits brought by family-members?--Jews, Mukasey and Hellerstein.

    (f) Who was appointed director of the investigating 9/11 commission?--Jew Zellikov, close crony to Congolezza Rice, eh?

    (g) Who owned the WTC bldgs. and even admitted to "pulling" Bldg 7?--Jew, Silverstein.

    (h) Who were members of the Port Authority who sold the WTC bldgs. to their fellow kike, Silverstein?--more Jews. Ck Bollyn's book, or other sources for the names.

    (I) Who owned the salvage and scrap companies which took and destroyed the evidence and then saw to its being shipped out of the country?--Jews

    (m) And of course, we know Jews oversaw things as NSA sends all the raw data to Israel first thing.

    (n) And over everything else, in case there's ever any need for any financing for any loose-end, there's the key, fundamental financial instrument, US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEITING scam.

    (o) And to keep things covered-up and the goyim diverted/distracted, there's the notoriously Jew-owned and -controlled mass-corp. Jews-media.

    CONCLUSION: so u see kike, the evidence is so overwhelming, u kikes must now PROVE u didn't do it, but u can't, and all u do is accuse gentiles of being anti-Semitic, imagining this is going to work even when US Dollar collapses and people are forced to see who's really running things--kike criminals, like u Joannie. Beware beware beware beware beware--we're coming for u, kikes--and u will NOT escape, u murdering filth.

    "Israel Did 9-11" - U.S. Military Expert Supports Bollyn Thesis
    April 3, 2010

    "What we need to stand up and say is that not only did they attack the USS Liberty, they did 9/11. They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period . . . And the Zionists are playing this as truly an all-or-nothing exercise, because if they lose this one, if the American people ever realize what happened, they're done."

    Source: Full Transcript of Sabrosky Interview, March 21, 2010

  20. I feel apsterian has been misunderstood. Professor James Fetzer should get apsterian on his podcast. What about Professor
    James Fetzer, Joan Edwards, Ian Greenhalgh with apsterian in the chair? It would make a great show and the discussion would be highly charged with plenty of electricity and fireworks in the air. A podcast with apsterian is the only way to deal with this burning question. Ian is already an old hand on Jim's podcasts and knows the ropes. Joan as always will bring her own expertise as regards current issues. As for Jim all he has to
    do is throw the switch and the job is
    done. What about it, Professor Fetzer? Can you invite the above mentioned for a no holds barred debate?


    cause of action legal definition of cause of action
    Cause of Action
    The fact or combination of facts that gives a person the right to seek judicial redress or relief against another. Also, the legal theory forming the basis of a lawsuit.

    The cause of action is the heart of the complaint, which is the Pleading that initiates a lawsuit. Without an adequately stated cause of action the plaintiff's case can be dismissed at the outset.

    It is not sufficient merely to state that certain events occurred that entitle the plaintiff to relief. All the elements of each cause of action must be detailed in the complaint.

    The claims must be supported by the facts, the law, and a conclusion that flows from the application of the law to those facts.

    The cause of action is often stated in the form of a syllogism, a form of deductive reasoning that begins with a major premise (the applicable Rule of Law), proceeds to a minor premise (the facts that gave rise to the claim), and ends with a conclusion.

    1. Righto, Joannie, and ur pt. is...? Ho ho ho ho

    2. Evidence/Proof Is NOT Difficult For 9/11

      And let me say it's indeed important to demonstrate things in accord w. "cause of action," indubitably.

      Judy Wood, renders the best grasp of what actually happened, the dis-integration of the bldgs. by means of directed-energy, much like "Hutchison effect." There were explosions too.

      But this was covered-up by P. Zelikow and criminals of the 9/11 Commission w. help of mass-corp. Jews-media--these can certainly be proven, like much else.

      Joannie the kike wants to pretend, oh no, NOTHING can be proven, ho ho ho hoo ho

      How did lucky Larry Silverstein get insurance on condemned property w. asbestos contamination and galvanic corrosion?

      Where are the "black-boxes" for the "planes" that supposedly hit the bldgs.?--there are answers to all these questions, and Jews are underlying and all over it, u may be sure. Jews-media is one obvious conspiratorial part. Jew judges, Mukasey and Hellerstein are others.

  22. Get it, Joannie?--the evidence (whether u agree its evidence or not) CONVICTS u kikes, PERIOD.

    Now, as defense lawyer, whatcha gon' do, scum?--u have to defend somehow, someway--and u gotta do better than what u attempt above--"what [I] mean by destroyed"--ho ho ho ho--pathetic.

  23. \Maybe there's something about aspertian we don't know. After all, he did post this link earlier. Maybe he's a Palestinian or just a human being. It's criminal what is being done in our name and the billions just approved for Israel.
    On the Contrary
    By Noam Chomsky • August 3, 2014

    Amid all the horrors unfolding in the latest Israeli offensive in Gaza, Israel's goal is simple: quiet-for-quiet, a return to the norm. For the West Bank, the norm is that Israel continues its illegal construction of settlements and infrastructure so that it can integrate into Israel whatever might be of value, meanwhile consigning Palestinians to unviable cantons and subjecting them to repression and violence. For Gaza, the norm is a miserable existence under a cruel and destructive siege that Israel administers to permit bare survival but nothing more.

    The latest Israeli rampage was set off by the brutal murder of three Israeli boys from a settler community in the occupied West Bank. A month before, two Palestinian boys were shot dead in the West Bank city of Ramallah. That elicited little attention, which is understandable, since it is routine. "The institutionalized disregard for Palestinian life in the West helps explain not only why Palestinians resort to violence," Middle East analyst Mouin Rabbani reports, "but also Israel's latest assault on the Gaza Strip.”

    In an interview, human rights lawyer Raji Sourani, who has remained in Gaza through years of Israeli brutality and terror, said, "The most common sentence I heard when people began to talk about cease-fire: Everybody says it's better for all of us to die and not go back to the situation we used to have before this war. We don't want that again. We have no dignity, no pride; we are just soft targets, and we are very cheap. Either this situation really improves or it is better to just die. I am talking about intellectuals, academics, ordinary people: Everybody is saying that.”(Chomsky)

  24. Joannie: it's simple thing to grasp. Jews control the US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEIT scam--get it? Long as this otherwise worthless fiat-money is accepted by significant people in exchange for goods & svcs, kikes will stay at top, owning everything and practically everybody, all the politicians and judges, corps, public edjumacation, Jews-media, Hollywood--EVERYTHING.... UNTIL US Dollar collapses--then we will begin to drinking kikes' blood, by golly.

  25. Chomsky, cont'd

    In January 2006, Palestinians committed a major “crime": They voted the wrong way in a carefully monitored free election, handing control of Parliament to Hamas. The media constantly intone that Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. In reality, Hamas leaders have repeatedly made it clear that Hamas would accept a two-state settlement in accord with the international consensus that has been blocked by the U.S. and Israel for 40 years.

    In contrast, Israel is dedicated to the destruction of Palestine, apart from some occasional meaningless words, and is implementing that commitment. The crime of the Palestinians in January 2006 was punished at once. The U.S. and Israel, with Europe shamefully trailing behind, imposed harsh sanctions on the errant population and Israel stepped up its violence.

    The U.S. and Israel quickly initiated plans for a military coup to overthrow the elected government. When Hamas had the effrontery to foil the plans, the Israeli assaults and the siege became far more severe.

    There should be no need to review again the dismal record since. The relentless siege and savage attacks are punctuated by episodes of "mowing the lawn," to borrow Israel's cheery expression for its periodic exercises in shooting fish in a pond as part of what it calls a "war of defense.” Once the lawn is mowed and the desperate population seeks to rebuild somehow from the devastation and the murders, there is a cease-fire agreement. The most recent cease-fire was established after Israel's October 2012 assault, called Operation Pillar of Defense.

    Though Israel maintained its siege, Hamas observed the cease-fire, as Israel concedes. Matters changed in April of this year when Fatah and Hamas forged a unity agreement that established a new government of technocrats unaffiliated with either party. Israel was naturally furious, all the more so when even the Obama administration joined the West in signaling approval. The unity agreement not only undercuts Israel's claim that it cannot negotiate with a divided Palestine but also threatens the long-term goal of dividing Gaza from the West Bank and pursuing its destructive policies in both regions.

    Something had to be done, and an occasion arose on June 12, when the three Israeli boys were murdered in the West Bank. Early on, the Netanyahu government knew that they were dead, but pretended otherwise, which provided the opportunity to launch a rampage in the West Bank, targeting Hamas. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed to have certain knowledge that Hamas was responsible. That too was a lie.

    1. Stop posting disinfo by Israeli agent Chomsky.

      The three Israeli boys were kidnapped and murdered by Mossad. Hamas is run by Mossad, the rockets are manufactured and launched by Israel, the tunnels don't exist, it's all a massive fraud.

  26. Jim Hollander :"John Carter, show me the post.... You can't because it doesn't exist. Very clear what is going on here...."

    But Jim, you still have to laugh [or cry?] at the ,errrr, "logic" of some halfwit who thinks it perfectly OK to post their own filth, resplendent with multiple four letter words, who, out of the other side of their mouth, and in the same breath, calls for the banning of someone [Edwards]who has never used similar language.

    Halfwit hypocrisy at its finest! :-)

    Regards, obf.


    The great George Carlin on the truth about "The American Dream" . Only Carlin can make make me laugh at such a dire situation as described. Enjoy!

    From onebornfree and The Freedom Network.

    [ Caution some "bad" language, may not be suitable for some ears].

    View video here:

    From onebornfree and The Freedom Network.

    [ Caution some "bad" language, may not be suitable for some ears].


    What a hypocrite!! Stop peddling potty mouth videos on your blog! Have you no shame!?

    From onebornfree and The Freedom Network.

    [ Caution some "bad" language, may not be suitable for some ears].

    Watch video here:



  28. It's "perfectly ok" for Onebornfree to put links to his favorite foulmouth videos on his blog. "resplendent with multiple four letter words".
    The hypocrisy and cant of this creep Onebornfree is breathtaking.
    Deliciously ironic too!!

  29. Mike Hanson said:"It's "perfectly ok" for Onebornfree to put links to his favorite foulmouth videos on his blog. "resplendent with multiple four letter words. The hypocrisy and cant of this creep Onebornfree is breathtaking.Deliciously ironic too!!"

    Oh Christ, yet another reading comprehension challenged dumbfuck- does it ever end?

    This would be like shooting fish in a barrel - but why even bother with such an obvious idjit as you, Mike, incapable as you [obviously] are of simple reading comprehension?

    But anyways, thanks for the blog promo Mikey boy, and good luck with the lessons.

    Regards, onebornfree :-) .

    1. Onebornfree-

      Great to see you're still smiling :-) or have you just overdosed on your meds again?

  30. The only thing funny about George Carlin is why does he think he's funny. This sort of "comedy" belongs with the dinosaurs - dead
    and gone. The sight of Carlin humping around the stage in jeans and uttering his gratuitous profanities is so passed it and outré. No real comedian nowadays would use Carlin's sewer language.
    Any comedian worth his
    salt avoids profanity like the plague because it means professional death. People are no longer prepared to pay good money to sit and be sworn at by some old bearded fart in jeans who should know better. Comedy comes and goes and when people start asking: " Why did we laugh at that bilge?" then the "comedians" should take note and quietly exit stage left.
    Times have moved on, George.
    Where's the exit?

  31. Because it's pointless engaging in a discussion with someone like you who appears to have a mental age of about 8.

  32. No Ian, the Jew dis-info agent, it's because w. my expo we get down to the nitty-gritty for kike infestation of our Western culture, exposing, for example, ur pretended "good-Jew, bad-kike" act u have w. Joannie and the other kikes, obfuscating things w. idiot details.

    U really ought to quit fooling urself, stupid kike, for we're serious about final solution to Jew filth--"mental age of about 8"?--ho ho hoo ho--whatever u say, Ian, ho ho ho ho

  33. What I totally fail to understand is how these statements about the motorcycle being ridden up the knoll could have gone without being mentioned by nearly all JFK assassination researchers. Additionally, the Altens #6 and Zapruder 255 comparisons I also made years ago but was roundly dismissed down by anyone I told - on many JFK forums, and Len Osanic's radio show; it throws many, perhaps most JFK assassination researcher's credibility into question.


  34. apsterian said:
    Evidence/Proof Is NOT Difficult For 9/11

    "And let me say it's indeed important to demonstrate things in accord w. "cause of action," indubitably.

    "Judy Wood, renders the best grasp of what actually happened, the dis-integration of the bldgs. by means of directed-energy, much like "Hutchison effect." There were explosions too.

    "But this was covered-up by P. Zelikow and criminals of the 9/11 Commission w. help of mass-corp. Jews-media--these can certainly be proven, like much else.

    "Joannie the kike wants to pretend, oh no, NOTHING can be proven, ho ho ho hoo ho

    "How did lucky Larry Silverstein get insurance on condemned property w. asbestos contamination and galvanic corrosion?

    "Where are the "black-boxes" for the "planes" that supposedly hit the bldgs.?--there are answers to all these questions, and Jews are underlying and all over it, u may be sure. Jews-media is one obvious conspiratorial part. Jew judges, Mukasey and Hellerstein are others."

    Ho, ho, ho, assterian. You pretend to know more about 9/11 than you do.

    There is nothing for you, the public, to prove. The burden of proof is on the government to prove their case. They are the ones making the claim the US was attacked by terrorists.

    Unfortunately there are no "black-boxes" or any other evidence which proves the official story about the 19 Muslim "terrorists."

    See: Elias Davidsson,[PDF] No evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11

  35. And I want to ut this out there again: Babushka Lady IS NOT BEVERLY OLIVER. She's even the topic of a "10 Most Mysterious Photos" You Tube-sponsored video! The woman know as Babushka is MUCH older than Oliver was at that time. Here's a link to a copy of the YT sponsored "Top 10..." Also notice that there is some photo manipulation in this picture, as well. Behind the woman's head on the right is an extreme "white out." Interestingly, the shadow of the man well behind her in khaki pants and khaki-colored shirt is included in the white out, but with the Black man just behind her to the right you can see that this photo manipulation/oddity cuts out part of his leg and coat!
