by Jim Fetzer
"[A]sking the EFF BEE EYE in the year 2012 for 'help' is like substituting your normal foam life vest on your boat, with a series of ten pound LEAD weights all cobbled together in a vest formation."--an anonymous friend
The persons she has identified to me include her own brother, Roland Ottus, for whom she introduced the named "Raoul" and told me he had been involved in the death of MLK. She also explained that another member of this gang (although she has not used that word) was photographed in front of the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, where even J. Edgar Hoover himself acknowledged that this person was not the man accused of the assassination of JFK. According to my source, it was actually Walter Tabinski. And the most dangerous of these three, Clyde Forshaw, has committed serial murders, if her information is correct, some of which she personally witnessed herself. I grant that her story is difficult to believe, but she has a mountain of details and other considerations to back it up.
Insofar as she resides in Toronto, she has made repeated efforts to bring these crimes to the attention of the Canadian officials, but to no avail. She is now pressing the matter, fed up at the apparent corruption, not only from local police but even by the RCMP, whom most of us grew up believing were "the best of the best", when it comes to law enforcement. To hear her tell it, however, the truth could hardly be further from the myth. Last night, during another of our conversations, she explained that one of these guys is also "the Vaulting bandit", who has robbed several banks, where he has even made the FBI's list of "Most Wanted". According to a headline article in The National Post (22 December 2011), "Vaulting Bandit tops Toronto Police bank robber wanted list".
According to my source, Forshaw is also "the Geezer bandit", who has committed many other bank robberies, including in the United States. She has identified him to me in multiple photographs and has told me that Clyde removes his dentures before committing the "Geezer" robberies to disfigure his appearance.
Conversations with my source
He has become something of a folk hero in some parts, it appears, and has even been touted as a candidate for President of the United States. Levity aside, those who listen to some of our most recent conversations may find them rather chilling:
Tape 1
Tape 2
Tape 3
Tape 4
My interlude with the FBI
All of this was extremely disturbing to me. I reasoned that the FBI should have an interest in bank robbers, so I submitted a "tip":
Tape 5
Exasperated that I was getting a run-around from the FBI, a friend suggested that I call the US Marshall's Office, which I did; but the official there advised me that I needed to contact the US Attorney in Madison, providing me with the number, which I also called:
Tape 6
At this point in time--having received not even the gesture of an acknowledgment or a phone call from the Department of Justice, the FBI or the US Attorney here in Madison, I feel stupid to have assumed that the FBI would have any interest in nailing bank robbers, much less serial killers. I now regard the FBI as a joke.
Recent developments in Toronto
I was hearing from her about developments in Toronto, which did little to alleviate my concern she might be facing imminent death:
Tape 7
And today she informed me that Clyde was stalking her, that he had changed his appearance and was wearing Scottish garb and shoes that are overly large, which suggested to me that he was planning to commit a crime--killing her--today, which I found quite alarming:
Tape 8
She had already pointed out to me that Walter Tabinski was the person whom the CIA photographed outside the Cuban Embassy as a part of a scheme to frame Lee Harvey Oswald. She pointed him out to me in a series of photographs found in Robert Groden, The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald (1995), pp. 245-249, as a man whom even J. Edgar Hoover himself had reported to have been impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City. (I have long believed that anyone aware of that single fact already had enough information to conclude that JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy.)
"Raoul" and the Death of MKL
She also pointed out to me that a photograph of her brother, Roland, whom she named "Raoul", could be found on a web site about the assassination of Martin Luther King, titled "Hemmings, Christ, Hargraves and the King Assassination". So I visited that web site,
And on the second page, I found the following discussion about a meeting on or about 15 August 1967, where James Earl Ray, who would be accused of the assassination of Martin Luther King at The Neptune Tavern in Montreal, met a man who called himself "Raoul". While the article suggests that "Raoul" was Roy Hargraves, a friend of Hemming, my source identified him as her brother:
My source had told me that she had been at The Mercury Club on 15 July 1967 (the first day she could have a legal drink) a month earlier and had surreptitiously taken a photograph of her brother, her girlfriend, and two young men, Richard Hovey and Eric Jones (who would later disappear on a trip with Clyde), where Charles Frederick Rogers, Walter Tabinski and James Earl Ray were in the background.
"Raoul" not Roy M. Hargraves
That this man is not Roy M. Hargraves has been substantiated from other sources. Here is a photograph from 1962 that appears to be authentic n 1962, part of a group allegedly sponsored by the CIA at No Name Key in Florida for the purpose of overthrowing Cuba or assassinating Fidel Castro, some of whom may have also been involved in the assassination of JFK:
1 – Steve Wilson
2 – Roy Hargraves
3 – Lawrence Howard
4 – Little Joe Cavendish Garman
5 – William Seymour
6 – Bill Dempsey
7 – The Leader, Gerry Hemming
8 – Ronald Ponce de Leon
Notice, in particular, that Roy Hargraves, #2, does not look very much like "Raoul", whom my source has identified as her own bother, Roland Ottus, whom she has told me was also observed driving a station wagon around the Dallas Police Department's parking lot behind "the grassy knoll" on 22 November 1963, which obviously warrants further investigation.
The Police, the CIA the FBI
My source has made repeated efforts over the years to bring all of this to the attention of the Toronto Police, who have shown no more interest in what she has to say than the FBI has in response to my submissions. When she told them that she had photographs and records to substantiate her claims in October 2003, she was ordered out of her apartment and the police entered and took what she had--including the photograph.
Clyde Forshaw comes across as a skilled and experience serial killer. He changes his appearance and uses different methods of murder to conceal that they were done by the same man: some are bludgeoned, some are stabbed, some are strangled, some are shot, on and on and on. He has mastered the art of DNA, obtaining specimens from prostitutes to plant on victims, which has led to the arrest, conviction and execution of innocent men.
Sometimes they chop up their targets, cutting off their hands and heads to make sure they can't be identified. She has made many attempts to bring this information to the appropriate officials, but has been rebuffed again and again and again. One even said to her, "Hailey, has anyone ever told you you are nuts?", to which she replied, "You, for one." She asks, "Who are these people who want the truth suppressed?"
And these are officials who are paid to solve crimes. When I have shared my experiences with some of my friends, they have expressed their dismay with the FBI. One wrote that the FBI cannot be trusted to solve serious cases:
boy, asking the EFF BEE EYE in the year 2012 for 'help' is like substituting your normal foam life vest on your boat, with a series of ten pound LEAD weights all cobbled together in a vest formation.
my experience with the EFF BEE AYE is that they are totally off the rails and so corrupt that involving them in any matter is tantamount to putting a beacon on your head and a sandwich board sign on that says; "PLEASE F*CK ME OVER!!!" because their job is not what most of us would think it is.
if a particular matter doesn't have earmarks of being a 'career maker' for a field weenie, they're not too likely to put themselves out to do much.
Another thought that I had made a mistake to even identify myself in this case and to implicitly ID my source:
1. I would suggest submitting your info on the bank robbers source name REDACTED to the FBI. Get an EMAIL that you can submit this info, and then (as you are doing) find a RESPONSIBLE FBI OFFICER to act on the info--which will be passed around carelessly.
2. Also, DO NOT refer to your source as a "her" and that she is "close to the bank robbers" because even if the FBI redacts her NAME, the NATURE OF YOUR INSIDER INFORMATION could give away her identity at a later date, which could result in her being murdered so she cannot testify.
3. Counter-Intelligence Protection of Whistle-Blowers
I hope you are armed in your household. It's too bad you had to offer up your home address on the FBI report.
In the future, you should offer only a P.O. Box. Of course, any perps ascertaining your PO Box could stake-out the post office and wait to ambush you, but at least you are not directing them directly to your home. Another option would be to offer THE ADDRESS OF YOUR ATTORNEY.
Jim Marrs, another friend--one of a large number with whom I have shared these files--called me to say that these guys are obviously "protected" by the Toronto police and possibly even the RCMP. The situation is disgusting. My previous research on the FBI (in relation to the assassination of JFK and the death of Sen. Paul Wellstone) had long since convinced me that they spend more time covering up crimes than they do solving them. Listen to what she has to say about law enforcement--it's blood curdling!
Tape 9
My thought was that, in a case like this, where there is a mountain of evidence and a witness to multiple crimes, they might care about solving "the Geezer bandit" and "the Vaulting bandit", many of whose bank robberies occurred in the United States. But dereliction of duty appears to be their area of specialization. Even for serious crimes, the FBI just can't be bothered. My recommendation at this point would be to dismantle it along with the CIA, which are doing our citizens and our nation incalculable damage--the CIA by committing crimes, the FBI by covering them up.
I am convinced she is about to be killed. I have tried to call her twice this evening and her phone has simply rung and rung. That has never happened before. She contacted a family of a victim and told them she had information about their child. She received back a warning from an ex-cop who works for them, whom Hailey believes is corrupt like so many others in Canada. When I publish the piece (which needs only one more file to be complete), I would appreciate whatever you can do to see that both the article and the following in formation gets into the right hands. Thanks for your advice about this.
CONFIDENTIAL (if something happens to me): Hailey has:
Heard from Toronto Police: Detective Steve Ryan (Cold Case)
Heard from Inspector John Maxwell, Major Case Investigations
To contact Associate Ian Kingham, (613) 236-1222, ext. 5416.
Walter Tabinski: (416) 763-4469 at 17 Dalrymple Drive, Toronto M6N 4S2
Paul (oldest son):
Jackie Bluestein (wife): (416) 551-7279 AT 455 Rosewell Avenue, Tornoto M4R 2H9
Clyde did a major beating of Maxie Bluestein in a restaurant (who wrecked his face)
Jay Forshaw (son/pilot/C-4 in John-John's plane): (905) 963-0625 at 38 Adams Court, Oxbridge, Ontario L9T 1G3
Pilot trainer at Buttonville Airport, no far from Frank Stronic, Magna International (lured John-John to meet with him)
Clyde Forshaw: (416) 253-4928 at 28 James Stock Path, Toronto, M8Z 6C6
Clyde Forshaw, Jr. (weapons charges):
Clyde described how many time he shot Eddie Mellow and his body guard, Fazio (2 for 1)
Silver, Hyndi (Korean), silver; another tinted window Nissan; last three digits . . .
Ford with primer paint on the side (another vehicle)--had to change the color of it "quick"
Clyde had a CIA "assassination umbrella" using a needle that Walter had used on a job in Europe
Parchment paper Hailey had purchased in summer of 1967: headline about extortion letter for "Sherry Wallace"
. . . the black . . . Hailey had written herself . . . skull and cross . . . hinted about Bruno Siegal at 100 Hamilton . . .
that was Walter on the grass in the bullet-proof vest in Dealey Plaza . . . Clyde hated Charles Frederick Rogers
meet with David Ferrie and Clay Shaw (Bertrand) in August 1967 . . . in between MLK and RFK . . . the boys
Richard Hovey and Eric Jones were taken by Clyde and disappeared . . . James Earl Ray and Walter Tabinski
were in the background at "The Mercury Club" on 15 July 1967 when Hailey took photo . . . James Earl Ray . . .
Clyde takes one shoe as his signature . . . takes momentoes . . . Sherry Wallace (had stalked her for years) . . .
John-John's plane was a remotely controlled detonation using a "super frack" specialized plastic explosive . . .
James H. Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth and a columnist for Veterans Today, where his most recent studies of the assassination of JFK can be found.
Here's a link to the original article in Veterans Today:
Is Fetzer opening himself up to a libel suit here by a private citizen Clyde Forshaw? He would have a lower burden of proof than a public figure and it seems to me there may be lack of due diligence and conceivably malicious disregard for the truth here. I'm not a lawyer of course...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work Jim, as far as I am concerned, you are on the cutting edge of real historic research. You have literally given all of us a graduate course in history, social science and logic. Congratulations and thank you.
ReplyDeleteDear Jim,
ReplyDeleteSincere thanks for enabling this treasure trove of dark material; it connects so many questionable dots. Hailey is a 'living library'; few of us 'norms' have access to such detailed insights - her tenacity is extraordinary, as his her good will despite all. You share her courage in service to us all.
not sure if this is the same person, but Clyde Forshaw may have died this passed year?