A lot of good information from Michael Collins. I'd like to correct, or perhaps expand on, one term of his: "War Zionism". Traditional Zionism was a major derailing of cosmopolitan Jewish humanitarianism beginning around the Dreyfus Affair, winning a large number of Jewish activists in the workers' movement in Europe to a backward and shortsighted Jewish nationalism. But this was traditional nationalism. The ideological influence of German Nazism and Italian Fascism gave this nationalism the belligerent and genocidal character it displays today, principally through the work of Ze'ev Jabotinsky and his followers. The terrorist Stern Gang and Haganah were the ideological heirs of Nazism, and indeed were aided by the German Nazis; and this element, having its roots in the Third Reich, eventually gave rise to the Likud Party of today. Ironic, since the Muslim Brotherhood were German Nazi allies. A Holocaust survivor who is a friend of mine blames Jabotinsky himself, however some sources think it was rather Jabotinsky's followers who created this neo-Zionism. Allusions to THIS form of Zionism should always be distinguished from the other, the simple nationalism of the Jews. Some people use "Jabotinsky Zionism", some "Likudist Zionism", and some "Second-wave Zionism"; and I've seen "neo-Zionism", as well. As for "War Zionism", you should note that the nationalism of Hitler was "War Nationalism", based on permanent warfare: and this was exactly what George Orwell, a self-described "democratic Socialist", was illustrating in his book 1984. The Permanent-war Nationalism of the U.S. today is of this kind, and has its roots in the Third Reich ideologically and historically in ACTUAL historical personalities that funded Hitler and brought his ideologues here to the new homeland of Nazism.
(Follow-up) As for Joshua Blakeney, a lot of his information is correct. But Webster G Tarpley, in agreement with antifascist expert Dave Emory, is right that it's the U.S.(which I identify as the new Nazi homeland) that controls Israel (which I identify as merely a Nazi client state) -- not the other way around. By the way, Dave Emory http://spitfirelist.com would be a good guest to consider as would be Ralph Schoenman, who wrote the book The Hidden History of Zionism http://takingaimradio.com/hhz/index.htm
'derailing of cosmopolitan Jewish humanitarianism' -- the Jews were never cosmopolitan, they have lived in isolated ghettos of their own choosing for many centuries. They were never humanitarian, in fact they have always thought of other nations as not being or only barely being human.
'The ideological influence of German Nazism and Italian Fascism gave this nationalism the belligerent and genocidal character it displays today' -- except that the Nazis and Fascists were not genocidal, while celebration of genocide is a core feature of Jewish religion and cultural tradition and has been so for many centuries.
'As for "War Zionism", you should note that the nationalism of Hitler was "War Nationalism", based on permanent warfare' -- where in Hitler's speeches and writings can we take note of this? I suspect we won't find it, Hitler was politically literate where you perhaps are not. Nationalism is first and principally concerned with the question of identity - who? War may be the foundation of foreign policy, but cannot be the basis of a people's identity which is always a straight matter of 'who are we?'. 'What are we?' questions come after, and there's no reason to think the Germans or even Hitler thought of themselves as the people who would wage endless war against other nations. This is likely a Jewish projection, that you, if you're not Jewish, have taken as your own along with much other self-serving Jewish claptrap.
'and this was exactly what George Orwell, a self-described "democratic Socialist", was illustrating in his book 1984' -- Orwell was writing about his own 'liberal democratic' Britain and its emerging trends, not Nazi Germany. I thought everyone knew this. I guess when you decide to lie and blame everything on the Nazis, that really means EVERYTHING, eh, atlanta bill?
'The Permanent-war Nationalism of the U.S. today is of this kind, and has its roots in the Third Reich ideologically and historically' -- except that the Third Reich had no such policy, and the US had already embarked on its WARPATH long prior to Hitler's coming to power across the Atlantic; the Spanish-American War of 1898 is often cited as the beginning of the American Empire.
'has its roots in the Third Reich ideologically and historically in ACTUAL historical personalities that funded Hitler and brought his ideologues here to the new homeland of Nazism' -- except that the actual historical personalities and ideologies behind America's current wars are enemies of Hitler and Nazism. Neoconservatism is a Jewish movement having its roots in the Trotskyite internationalist (anti-nationalist) far-left. Their fellow-travellers in the Republican AND Democratic parties are left-liberal democrats, internationalists, objectively anti-German, anti-Nazi, anti-White and objectively pro-Jewish.
Besides which, those US bankers marginally involved in the Third Reich, were investing in plenty of other economies, as you'd expect. They were not supporters of Hitler personally, they were rational investors in perfectly good businesses. The Wall Street funded Hitler meme is just a way to introduce into the 'alternative media' the themes that dominate the mainstream media that the audiences of both are given the same take-home message. Nazis bad, Jews angels (so you know who to trust to run your countries).
And besides which doubleplus, the scientists and technicians who came over with Operation Paperclip etc., were just that, they went to work doing maths and engineering. The Soviet Union took as many as the US, and other allies took a share too. Some Nazis also fled to other parts of the world including the Arab world and South America. None of these places are as war-like as the modern US, but then they don't have as many Jewish neocons. Culturally, it was Jewish emigres and refugees in the social sciences and media who transformed American social attitudes, not Nazis. Watch CABARET to see who won the culture war. Modern America looks just like the decadent, sleazy Weimar Berlin that the Nazis tried to wash clean.
'Webster G Tarpley, in agreement with antifascist expert Dave Emory, is right that it's the U.S.(which I identify as the new Nazi homeland) that controls Israel (which I identify as merely a Nazi client state)' -- You're deluded or trying to delude us. The Nazis are dead but everywhere we look we can see Jews controlling money, media, politicians, ideas, domestic and foreign policy. Where are the Nazis? They're a figment of your imagination, dude.
Jeannon, Walker Connor provided a useful glossary:
Nation – a group of people sharing a myth of common ancestry; it is the largest grouping that can be mobilized by appeals to common blood (nation is often improperly employed as a synonym for state, as in the League of Nations or the United Nations, or as a synonym for the citizenry of a state regardless of its ethnic complexity, as in references to ‘the American nation’).
Nationalism – identity with and loyalty to one’s nation in the pristine sense of that word (see above); nationalism is often incorrectly used to refer to loyalty to the state.
Nation-state – that relatively rare situation in which the borders of a state and a nation closely coincide; a state with an ethnically homogeneous population.
Patriotism – devotion to one’s state and its institutions (civic nationalism is the currently fashionable, but confusing, substitute for patriotism; civic loyalty or civic identity would better convey this type of devotion, without misrepresenting it as a form of nationalism).
'I am not so sure "nationalism" is a good thing even in its mild form.'
Personally, I think most people have the same understanding of what nationalism is and means: 'this is us, this is our country, and it's up to us how we'll live.' I can't see how it's ever illegitimate.
Piper is always good, and better as a guest than a host. Nice stuff on the whole from Blakeney and Syrian Girl. It’s nice to hear young people so committed to justice and the peace contingent upon it, even if Blakeney’s Marxist rhetoric is facile and his delivery off-puttingly strident.
The best you can say about Blakeney’s teenage kicks attachment to the Jew-scripted left/right and Marxist/Capitalist distinctions is that it’s naïve and touchingly traditionalist.
For at least a couple of centuries the uniquely universalist and idealistic western peoples have been divided and conquered among ourselves and against each other by being offered only these two moral-political options by those who direct and control public discourse. Only a man made foolish by design would not know immediately that if people can’t agree after two centuries about which of two supposedly diametric options is the better one, never mind the right one, then neither option is desirable. Clearly both are no damn good and even positively harmful to the interests of a significant number of people, where the essential building blocks of community, justice and peace are well known and do not harm anyone (common origins, shared history, a non-contested national culture, preparedness to leave the other guy and foreigners alone and not assume that your outlook/lifestyle is universally applicable -- all the things that left and right liberals/Marxists and Capitalists are united against (this is not a coincidence)).
Blakeney and Co.’s right/left Capitalist/Marxist games are for useful tools but unfortunately their playtime antics have helped the Empire destroy multiple generations and many nations. That’s why guys like him are always found among the ‘alternative’ media and politics spokesman/leadership. Their talking points, having been sculpted to perfect pointlessness, do not threaten business as usual politics, they prop up business as usual politics. Even though they occasionally get things right ... on which issues they are ignored and cannot call up on any great masses of support because, for example in Blakeney's case, they're openly hostile to the people they must appeal to.
Notice that according to Blakeney the Germans were ethnic obscurantist, racist bigots for pursuing a two-state solution with the Jews who had colonized their homeland and with whom they were in subsequent conflict, while Palestinians pursuing the same end for the same reason are to be supported in their perfectly reasonable goal.
Many people have tried to suggest that having this kind of objectively racist double standard against Westerners when we’re the very people you must reach if you’re gonna kill off the Empire is not good strategy or even just good. But I fear that message go unheard in the alternative(no alternative) media. The fix was in a long time ago.
Thank you, Nick Dean, for saving me (and surely many others) from having to address Atlanta Bill's drivel. It's always the same old crap about bankers financing Hitler, Nazi this, Nazi that, Project Paperclip, the "rise of the Fourth Reich," blahblahblah. But where are the Nazis today? They lost the war, Germany was put under still further economic and social control under the post-war terms, and it's illegal even to defend anyone that questions the events of that time. Meanwhile, wars of conquest are not being fought for the Nazis, the Nazis didn't blow up the Murrah Building or the Twin Towers, and the Nazis aren't pushing divisiveness, smut, and rebellion against anyone and anything that doesn't feed division and strife further. Sure, there are lots of Nazis running around ruining everything for most people, but they're Ashkenazis for the most part, not goose-stepping Germans.
Dave Emory, I'd like to add, is the direct ideological descendent of Mae Brussell (maiden name Magnin), daughter of a rabbi whose first publishing break came from Paul Krassner (see a pattern?). He sees Nazis under every coffee coaster and behind every parked car.
“Surely you do not imagine that we shall be victorious without applying the most cruel revolutionary terror?” - V. I. Lenin
“... carry out merciless mass terror against the kulaks, priests and White Guards; unreliable elements to be locked up in a concentration camp outside the town.” - V. I. Lenin
“About three million must be regarded as middle peasants, while barely two million consist of kulaks, rich peasants, grain profiteers... Ruthless war on the kulaks! Death to them! ... [Class struggle entails] ruthless suppression of the kulaks, those bloodsuckers, vampires, plunderers of the people and profiteers, who batten on famine.” - V. I. Lenin
“Russians are too kind, they lack the ability to apply determined methods of revolutionary terror.” - V. I. Lenin (Jew)
“Root out the counterrevolutionaries without mercy, lock up suspicious characters in concentration camps... Shirkers will be shot, regardless of past service...” - Leon Trotsky (Jew)
“These Cains [Don Cossacks] must be annihilated, no mercy must be shown to any settlement that gives resistance. Mercy only for those who hand over their weapons voluntarily and come over to our side... You must cleanse the Don of the black stain of treason within a few days.” - Leon Trotsky
“As for us, we were never concerned with the Kantian-priestly and vegetarian-Quaker prattle about the ‘sacredness of human life.’” - Leon Trotsky
“We do not wage war against individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. Do not look during an investigation for evidence that the accused acted, by word or deed, against the Soviet power. The first question we ask is: to what class does he belong, what are his origins, upbringing, education or profession? These questions should decide the fate of the accused. This is the essence of the Red Terror.” - Martin Latsis (Jew), Cheka commander
“Sooner or later we will have to exterminate, simply physically destroy, the Cossacks, or at least the vast majority of them.” - I. I. Reingold (Jew), Bolshevik official
“Better that ten innocent people should suffer than one spy get away. When you cut down the forest, woodchips fly.” - Nikolai Ezhov (Jew), NKVD commander * (Same as Zionist policy today. "Woodchips" don't fall far from the same Jewish Bolshevik tree.)
And Adolph Hitler was branded as the epitome of evil. I challenge anyone to show me Hitler or any other N.S. leader said anything remotely as cold, evil, and condescending as that uttered by these rabid, psychotic, bloodthirsty Jews!
"Arthur Topham of RadicalPress.com noted: “all of what the Zionist Jews write about others is actually but a reflection of their own inner, perverse, dislocated self. By projecting outward on to others their innate paranoid and deep-seated hatred for the rest of the world they’re able to meet the requirements of the Israeli state’s [actually Mossad's] motto which reads, “By Way of Deception Though Shalt Cause War” and feel a sense of superiority and self-righteousness in doing so.”
"But Webster G Tarpley, in agreement with antifascist expert Dave Emory, is right that it's the U.S.(which I identify as the new Nazi homeland) that controls Israel (which I identify as merely a Nazi client state) -- not the other way around."
For instance, atlantabill wrote: "As for "War Zionism", you should note that the nationalism of Hitler was "War Nationalism", based on permanent warfare: and this was exactly what George Orwell, a self-described "democratic Socialist", was illustrating in his book 1984."
You leave the door open in the summertime, Jim, and of course the flies are gonna come in.
Having M.C. Piper on as a guest was a daring thing to do, since he is a remarkably able, even brilliant scholar -- but with such a heavy-duty, propagandist agenda that he makes even David Irving look non-partisan(!)
And now look at the stream of vicious, Jew-bashing comments your blog has attracted!
It's pretty clear to me that Israel's Mossad had a vital (and deadly) role to play in many of our country's worst military mistakes and domestic tragedies of recent decades, just as the Likudnik-loyal, Straussian Neocons are the financial "cat's paw" of the Wall Street plutocrats in hammerlocking Congress and the Presidency. But I also suspect that the most virulent, hate-spewing, (and thus off-putting to more timid/decent folk) anti-Jew/anti-Israeli organizations on the scene today are also on the Mossad payroll -- unbeknownst to most of their members/followers/dittoheads/true believers.
"The best way to control the opposition is to BE the opposition!"
...as a certain guy-with-a-goatee once famously said.
A lot of good information from Michael Collins. I'd like to correct, or perhaps expand on, one term of his: "War Zionism". Traditional Zionism was a major derailing of cosmopolitan Jewish humanitarianism beginning around the Dreyfus Affair, winning a large number of Jewish activists in the workers' movement in Europe to a backward and shortsighted Jewish nationalism. But this was traditional nationalism. The ideological influence of German Nazism and Italian Fascism gave this nationalism the belligerent and genocidal character it displays today, principally through the work of Ze'ev Jabotinsky and his followers. The terrorist Stern Gang and Haganah were the ideological heirs of Nazism, and indeed were aided by the German Nazis; and this element, having its roots in the Third Reich, eventually gave rise to the Likud Party of today. Ironic, since the Muslim Brotherhood were German Nazi allies. A Holocaust survivor who is a friend of mine blames Jabotinsky himself, however some sources think it was rather Jabotinsky's followers who created this neo-Zionism. Allusions to THIS form of Zionism should always be distinguished from the other, the simple nationalism of the Jews. Some people use "Jabotinsky Zionism", some "Likudist Zionism", and some "Second-wave Zionism"; and I've seen "neo-Zionism", as well. As for "War Zionism", you should note that the nationalism of Hitler was "War Nationalism", based on permanent warfare: and this was exactly what George Orwell, a self-described "democratic Socialist", was illustrating in his book 1984. The Permanent-war Nationalism of the U.S. today is of this kind, and has its roots in the Third Reich ideologically and historically in ACTUAL historical personalities that funded Hitler and brought his ideologues here to the new homeland of Nazism.
ReplyDelete(Follow-up) As for Joshua Blakeney, a lot of his information is correct. But Webster G Tarpley, in agreement with antifascist expert Dave Emory, is right that it's the U.S.(which I identify as the new Nazi homeland) that controls Israel (which I identify as merely a Nazi client state) -- not the other way around. By the way, Dave Emory http://spitfirelist.com would be a good guest to consider as would be Ralph Schoenman, who wrote the book The Hidden History of Zionism http://takingaimradio.com/hhz/index.htm
Deleteatlanta bill,
ReplyDelete'derailing of cosmopolitan Jewish humanitarianism' -- the Jews were never cosmopolitan, they have lived in isolated ghettos of their own choosing for many centuries. They were never humanitarian, in fact they have always thought of other nations as not being or only barely being human.
'The ideological influence of German Nazism and Italian Fascism gave this nationalism the belligerent and genocidal character it displays today' -- except that the Nazis and Fascists were not genocidal, while celebration of genocide is a core feature of Jewish religion and cultural tradition and has been so for many centuries.
'As for "War Zionism", you should note that the nationalism of Hitler was "War Nationalism", based on permanent warfare' -- where in Hitler's speeches and writings can we take note of this? I suspect we won't find it, Hitler was politically literate where you perhaps are not. Nationalism is first and principally concerned with the question of identity - who? War may be the foundation of foreign policy, but cannot be the basis of a people's identity which is always a straight matter of 'who are we?'. 'What are we?' questions come after, and there's no reason to think the Germans or even Hitler thought of themselves as the people who would wage endless war against other nations. This is likely a Jewish projection, that you, if you're not Jewish, have taken as your own along with much other self-serving Jewish claptrap.
'and this was exactly what George Orwell, a self-described "democratic Socialist", was illustrating in his book 1984' -- Orwell was writing about his own 'liberal democratic' Britain and its emerging trends, not Nazi Germany. I thought everyone knew this. I guess when you decide to lie and blame everything on the Nazis, that really means EVERYTHING, eh, atlanta bill?
'The Permanent-war Nationalism of the U.S. today is of this kind, and has its roots in the Third Reich ideologically and historically' -- except that the Third Reich had no such policy, and the US had already embarked on its WARPATH long prior to Hitler's coming to power across the Atlantic; the Spanish-American War of 1898 is often cited as the beginning of the American Empire.
ReplyDelete'has its roots in the Third Reich ideologically and historically in ACTUAL historical personalities that funded Hitler and brought his ideologues here to the new homeland of Nazism' -- except that the actual historical personalities and ideologies behind America's current wars are enemies of Hitler and Nazism. Neoconservatism is a Jewish movement having its roots in the Trotskyite internationalist (anti-nationalist) far-left. Their fellow-travellers in the Republican AND Democratic parties are left-liberal democrats, internationalists, objectively anti-German, anti-Nazi, anti-White and objectively pro-Jewish.
Besides which, those US bankers marginally involved in the Third Reich, were investing in plenty of other economies, as you'd expect. They were not supporters of Hitler personally, they were rational investors in perfectly good businesses. The Wall Street funded Hitler meme is just a way to introduce into the 'alternative media' the themes that dominate the mainstream media that the audiences of both are given the same take-home message. Nazis bad, Jews angels (so you know who to trust to run your countries).
And besides which doubleplus, the scientists and technicians who came over with Operation Paperclip etc., were just that, they went to work doing maths and engineering. The Soviet Union took as many as the US, and other allies took a share too. Some Nazis also fled to other parts of the world including the Arab world and South America. None of these places are as war-like as the modern US, but then they don't have as many Jewish neocons. Culturally, it was Jewish emigres and refugees in the social sciences and media who transformed American social attitudes, not Nazis. Watch CABARET to see who won the culture war. Modern America looks just like the decadent, sleazy Weimar Berlin that the Nazis tried to wash clean.
'Webster G Tarpley, in agreement with antifascist expert Dave Emory, is right that it's the U.S.(which I identify as the new Nazi homeland) that controls Israel (which I identify as merely a Nazi client state)' -- You're deluded or trying to delude us. The Nazis are dead but everywhere we look we can see Jews controlling money, media, politicians, ideas, domestic and foreign policy. Where are the Nazis? They're a figment of your imagination, dude.
Jeannon, Walker Connor provided a useful glossary:
ReplyDeleteNation – a group of people sharing a myth of common ancestry; it is the largest grouping that can be mobilized by appeals to common blood (nation is often improperly employed as a synonym for state, as in the League of Nations or the United Nations, or as a synonym for the citizenry of a state regardless of its ethnic complexity, as in references to ‘the American nation’).
Nationalism – identity with and loyalty to one’s nation in the pristine sense of that word (see above); nationalism is often incorrectly used to refer to loyalty to the state.
Nation-state – that relatively rare situation in which the borders of a state and a nation closely coincide; a state with an ethnically homogeneous population.
Patriotism – devotion to one’s state and its institutions (civic nationalism is the currently fashionable, but confusing, substitute for patriotism; civic loyalty or civic identity would better convey this type of devotion, without misrepresenting it as a form of nationalism).
more here:
'I am not so sure "nationalism" is a good thing even in its mild form.'
Personally, I think most people have the same understanding of what nationalism is and means: 'this is us, this is our country, and it's up to us how we'll live.' I can't see how it's ever illegitimate.
Piper is always good, and better as a guest than a host. Nice stuff on the whole from Blakeney and Syrian Girl. It’s nice to hear young people so committed to justice and the peace contingent upon it, even if Blakeney’s Marxist rhetoric is facile and his delivery off-puttingly strident.
ReplyDeleteThe best you can say about Blakeney’s teenage kicks attachment to the Jew-scripted left/right and Marxist/Capitalist distinctions is that it’s naïve and touchingly traditionalist.
For at least a couple of centuries the uniquely universalist and idealistic western peoples have been divided and conquered among ourselves and against each other by being offered only these two moral-political options by those who direct and control public discourse. Only a man made foolish by design would not know immediately that if people can’t agree after two centuries about which of two supposedly diametric options is the better one, never mind the right one, then neither option is desirable. Clearly both are no damn good and even positively harmful to the interests of a significant number of people, where the essential building blocks of community, justice and peace are well known and do not harm anyone (common origins, shared history, a non-contested national culture, preparedness to leave the other guy and foreigners alone and not assume that your outlook/lifestyle is universally applicable -- all the things that left and right liberals/Marxists and Capitalists are united against (this is not a coincidence)).
Blakeney and Co.’s right/left Capitalist/Marxist games are for useful tools but unfortunately their playtime antics have helped the Empire destroy multiple generations and many nations. That’s why guys like him are always found among the ‘alternative’ media and politics spokesman/leadership. Their talking points, having been sculpted to perfect pointlessness, do not threaten business as usual politics, they prop up business as usual politics. Even though they occasionally get things right ... on which issues they are ignored and cannot call up on any great masses of support because, for example in Blakeney's case, they're openly hostile to the people they must appeal to.
Notice that according to Blakeney the Germans were ethnic obscurantist, racist bigots for pursuing a two-state solution with the Jews who had colonized their homeland and with whom they were in subsequent conflict, while Palestinians pursuing the same end for the same reason are to be supported in their perfectly reasonable goal.
ReplyDeleteMany people have tried to suggest that having this kind of objectively racist double standard against Westerners when we’re the very people you must reach if you’re gonna kill off the Empire is not good strategy or even just good. But I fear that message go unheard in the alternative(no alternative) media. The fix was in a long time ago.
Thank you, Nick Dean, for saving me (and surely many others) from having to address Atlanta Bill's drivel. It's always the same old crap about bankers financing Hitler, Nazi this, Nazi that, Project Paperclip, the "rise of the Fourth Reich," blahblahblah. But where are the Nazis today? They lost the war, Germany was put under still further economic and social control under the post-war terms, and it's illegal even to defend anyone that questions the events of that time. Meanwhile, wars of conquest are not being fought for the Nazis, the Nazis didn't blow up the Murrah Building or the Twin Towers, and the Nazis aren't pushing divisiveness, smut, and rebellion against anyone and anything that doesn't feed division and strife further. Sure, there are lots of Nazis running around ruining everything for most people, but they're Ashkenazis for the most part, not goose-stepping Germans.
ReplyDeleteDave Emory, I'd like to add, is the direct ideological descendent of Mae Brussell (maiden name Magnin), daughter of a rabbi whose first publishing break came from Paul Krassner (see a pattern?). He sees Nazis under every coffee coaster and behind every parked car.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete“Surely you do not imagine that we shall be victorious without applying the most cruel revolutionary terror?”
ReplyDelete- V. I. Lenin
“... carry out merciless mass terror against the kulaks, priests and White Guards; unreliable elements to be locked up in a concentration camp outside the town.”
- V. I. Lenin
“About three million must be regarded as middle peasants, while barely two million consist of kulaks, rich peasants, grain profiteers... Ruthless war on the kulaks! Death to them! ... [Class struggle entails] ruthless suppression of the kulaks, those bloodsuckers, vampires, plunderers of the people and profiteers, who batten on famine.”
- V. I. Lenin
“Russians are too kind, they lack the ability to apply determined methods of revolutionary terror.”
- V. I. Lenin (Jew)
“Root out the counterrevolutionaries without mercy, lock up suspicious characters in concentration camps... Shirkers will be shot, regardless of past service...”
- Leon Trotsky (Jew)
“These Cains [Don Cossacks] must be annihilated, no mercy must be shown to any settlement that gives resistance. Mercy only for those who hand over their weapons voluntarily and come over to our side... You must cleanse the Don of the black stain of treason within a few days.”
- Leon Trotsky
“As for us, we were never concerned with the Kantian-priestly and vegetarian-Quaker prattle about the ‘sacredness of human life.’”
- Leon Trotsky
“We do not wage war against individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. Do not look during an investigation for evidence that the accused acted, by word or deed, against the Soviet power. The first question we ask is: to what class does he belong, what are his origins, upbringing, education or profession? These questions should decide the fate of the accused. This is the essence of the Red Terror.”
- Martin Latsis (Jew), Cheka commander
“Sooner or later we will have to exterminate, simply physically destroy, the Cossacks, or at least the vast majority of them.”
- I. I. Reingold (Jew), Bolshevik official
“Better that ten innocent people should suffer than one spy get away. When you cut down the forest, woodchips fly.”
- Nikolai Ezhov (Jew), NKVD commander * (Same as Zionist policy today. "Woodchips" don't fall far from the same Jewish Bolshevik tree.)
And Adolph Hitler was branded as the epitome of evil. I challenge anyone to show me Hitler or any other N.S. leader said anything remotely as cold, evil, and condescending as that uttered by these rabid, psychotic, bloodthirsty Jews!
"Arthur Topham of RadicalPress.com noted: “all of what the Zionist Jews write about others is actually but a reflection of their own inner, perverse, dislocated self. By projecting outward on to others their innate paranoid and deep-seated hatred for the rest of the world they’re able to meet the requirements of the Israeli state’s [actually Mossad's] motto which reads, “By Way of Deception Though Shalt Cause War” and feel a sense of superiority and self-righteousness in doing so.”
*More here: http://www.paulbogdanor.com/left/communists.html
Nick Dean said:
ReplyDelete"Modern America looks just like the decadent, sleazy Weimar Berlin that the Nazis tried to wash clean."
Multiply that by a factor of at least ten!
atlantabill said:
ReplyDelete"But Webster G Tarpley, in agreement with antifascist expert Dave Emory, is right that it's the U.S.(which I identify as the new Nazi homeland) that controls Israel (which I identify as merely a Nazi client state) -- not the other way around."
Give me a shot of what you're drinking...LOL.
Nothing is further from the truth.
Atlantabill wrote many things absolutely untrue!
ReplyDeleteFor instance, atlantabill wrote:
"As for "War Zionism", you should note that the nationalism of Hitler was "War Nationalism", based on permanent warfare: and this was exactly what George Orwell, a self-described "democratic Socialist", was illustrating in his book 1984."
You leave the door open in the summertime, Jim, and of course the flies are gonna come in.
ReplyDeleteHaving M.C. Piper on as a guest was a daring thing to do, since he is a remarkably able, even brilliant scholar -- but with such a heavy-duty, propagandist agenda that he makes even David Irving look non-partisan(!)
And now look at the stream of vicious, Jew-bashing comments your blog has attracted!
It's pretty clear to me that Israel's Mossad had a vital (and deadly) role to play in many of our country's worst military mistakes and domestic tragedies of recent decades, just as the Likudnik-loyal, Straussian Neocons are the financial "cat's paw" of the Wall Street plutocrats in hammerlocking Congress and the Presidency. But I also suspect that the most virulent, hate-spewing, (and thus off-putting to more timid/decent folk) anti-Jew/anti-Israeli organizations on the scene today are also on the Mossad payroll -- unbeknownst to most of their members/followers/dittoheads/true believers.
"The best way to control the opposition is to BE the opposition!"
...as a certain guy-with-a-goatee once famously said.
Andy Tyme wrote, And now look at the stream of vicious, Jew-bashing comments your blog has attracted!
ReplyDeleteGive us a quote.